Friday, June 23, 2006

The money is for nothing

So why do us United Statesmen and Stateswomen (since everyone on the continent is technically "American") waste our money so casually. And the More you make the more you blow it. Some people say you just have extra money but my theory is this.

Say you make 6 dollars an hour. You want to buy an entertainment device, say a
PSP. That's $250 you have to cough up, which means you have to flip a fuck load of burgers. That's well over 40 hours with taxes taken out of your check and added to your purchase. 40 hours!!! That may not seem like much, but go to work knowing you aren't going to get paid.Know you will own this portable game device with no games or movies included. You would probably say fuck that, I know I would.

Say you make $10 an hour. In most cases, the more money you make the less you work. Say hard labor is scrubbing our grease traps and counting money in the back office while everyone else works is considered "$10 an hour hard work". To buy a PSP it would take damn near half the hours, way less "labor", and half appreciated. If the $10 an hour guy wouldn't be as pissed when he realizes he made a bad purchased as the other SOL guy flipping the burgers.

I'm avoiding a long post so I leave you with this. If you translated everything, EVERYTHING you buy into how many hours you actually worked to get the item, would you buy it. Would you buy sandwich meat or steak? McDonald's or Benehanas?

Damn, I remember when I used to break a sweat when I worked, and I made way less.

Word of advice,meet important people and become friends with them. Also, learn useful skills that you can fall back on. You can waste your money as much the shitheads that will get the better paying job over you with less experience and ability. The system sucks, but if you play it you can go further.

-- Charlie Frisby


Blogger David said...

Frisby - I think the fact that you once had to bust ass to make a buck makes you appreciate having more money now. It's also probably part of the reason you're now successful in whatever you do. I work with quite a few people who went from high school through college without ever getting a job until after their Bachelor's (of Master's) degree. These people come in to work when they damn well please (30-90 minutes late) and bitch about the silliest crap (like getting yelled at for coming in late). Busting butt, sweating behind a McGrill for a few years and knowing that if I was 5 minutes late would mean being jobless made me really understand that getting to work on time was far more important than hitting the snooze button.

And now I only eat Ramen when I really want to.

12:15 PM, June 24, 2006  
Blogger Rollin said...

"The system sucks, but if you play it you can go further."

The job thing or the PSP?

(I hear ya, I-man.)

2:08 AM, July 03, 2006  

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