Monday, July 31, 2006

The real Game Killer... CAUGHT! (or... 'Have game studios finally seen the light?')

Finally, it looks like game studios and console manufacturers have opened their eyes and saw E3 in the light of truth for the travesty it actually was, according to an article on Next Generation...

In my feverish dreams I put the blame on a previous blog article I had written two months ago, but given the pitiful size of our audience, and my total lack of journalism skills, I'll have to file that one under "As likely as Rollin getting the Customer of the Month award at the Nintendo World Store".

No, more likely, game studios probably saw that this event that was supposed to be a showcase for real journalists to give some free positive press to the year's products, and for game system distributors to pick the product they would place their marketing machine behind, was actually generating negative viral publicity to their products and leaving a bad taste in fanboy's mouths. No good return for the millions of dollars that you end up forking over to the event's planners...

If you want to know more, Next Generation has an excellent article on the Top Ten Reasons why E3 must have been cancelled by the big gaming guns. My vote goes to #4: The 'E3 winners' farce. That one must have hurt Sony the most this year, I'm sure!

Goodbye, E3! You won't be missed!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

"Domniophobia" ..or.. "Fear of F.E.A.R."

I've played my fair share of FPS titles back in my PC gaming days. In the last two or three years, my interest in the FPS genre has all but disappeared due to increased realism in games. Sure, realistic environments can be beautiful, but they are more often the place of nightmares.

At first I thought I suffered from Kinetimortophobia, but it turns out to be more along the lines of domniophobia.

The first real indication that I had a fear of dungeon-like environments was during an attempt to play Doom 3. I started the game, got suited up, went into the first room where you turn on your flashlight, promptly stopped, and uninstalled the game. The environment alone was just too freaky. Monsters and zombies, no problem. A dark room with a fairly realistic flashlight and surround sound creepy noises, forget it.

Recently I have been testing Windows XP on an Apple iMac 20" with an Intel processor. I decided to see if it could handle some high end game graphics and set out to find a meaty demo to throw at it. Most sources pointed towards F.E.A.R. The iMac held up quite admirably, but my nerves did not. I didn't even get to shoot anything before the quit-and-uninstall reflex kicked in.

Oh, well. Back to what I do best.

Gone for 2 days

My wife is getting her cornia brned with a "Laser" so she can see withouth glasses.

I will be out of town.

Take care.


Saturday, July 22, 2006

WiFi Cell Phones?

Everyone who is familiar VoIP (voice over IP) knows that with different VoIP service providers you use your Internet connection substitute a LAN line phone and also get free long distance for a low low price. Skype is taking the next step and introducing WiFi cell phones.

"The phones feature integration with your Skype contact list, up to three hours of talk and 50 hours of standby time, and the NETGEAR handset also features support for WEP and WPA, so you're not just limited to open networks"

Great for college kids on campus. Whats next, instead of cell phone towers we will have WiFi across the nation. Sounds cool, but LAN based phone companies could crumble and then we would all have to use cell phones or nothing.

While Rollin is away...

Frisby will play. Just got done funk-ta-fying Warcadia. Like the new Design? The Warcade bidding open for bidding. Today, tommorrow, next week. Let us know when you can play.

Let us know which game, friend codes, time, date, place, EVERYTHING

Frisby: Tetris DS

Metroid Prime Hunters

Animal Crossing

Mario Kart DS

Feel free to call me out to any of these games Today (7/22/06) or tommorow.

Back in 30

Hasta la (Windows) Vista, my nukkas.

Too Hot for Website

You see that? Blake claims Infendo is PG, but look at those adverts. "HAVE SEX TONITE!", "Cheat At Online Poker", and "Hot Local Ladies"? That 2-faced lyin' bastard.

But in all seriousness, click them to donate 3 cents to my Inf salary.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Goin' Down South

And i don't mean downtown Manhattan, Dixie, or on you. The beloved Rollin-with-an-e is going away for 30 days - (if any Inf people stop by now, great timing) - to try and diplomate with Hugo Chavez. That great man doesn't compromise, but hey, neither does Chavez and that's why i like em both.

While i'm being sequestered by guerilla rebels to assimilate and rise among their ranks to become their leader and then take down all of the Americas with a spiky 'stache, a mango, and that trusty latin lethargy, i'm leaving Warcadia in the hairy hands of my co-authors.

MG, I-man, Mr. I, Dave (*echo*), and Frisby will take care of your random needs while i'm fighting the good fight. I hope you guys are able to post about a couple times a week at least, get people involved somehow, and take care of business. Remember that news is cool, linking is cool, but boring is UNACCEPTABLE (*reverb w/ delay*).

Stay righteous, peeps. See you in 30.

Para La Revolucion (*wammy effect*).

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Hell hath no real fury...

Hi Steven CloseupEarlier this week, while commuting home from work I saw the most interesting billboard. Some guy cheated on his wife, she has him on videotape and she paid for the billboard from their joint account. So for once, I was glad that the traffic was slow and I snapped a shot of it. I found it incredible that someone would go so far to spank expose someone.

Well, a couple of days later it comes out that that billboard is a viral marketing ad for a CourtTV show. So yes, there is a woman scorned but more likely than not, their joint account is safe.

So I then combed through Flickr and one other person posted this image. In the description, they tell you it is from a blog called "That Girl Emily" (which details the actual relationship.) So by no stretch of the imagination, I can safely assume that this is part of the marketing thing.

We always knew that marketers were dirty sneaky immoral deceitful so I guess it wasn't that disappointing that this ad wasn't completely true.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Decline of Inf Civilization

For months, Infendo's higher ups have been deliberating a forum addition. Now they've jumped on and have created the Infendo Forums, beta edition.

I used to be against the idea-- thought it would breed trolling like stuff seen on, for example, GoNintendo or something like that. It remains to be seen whether that apprehension will be validated, but so far it looks to be headed in the direction of any other fan forum, should nothing change.

The boards themselves look fantastic. A simple, unified color scheme matches the forum to the main site. Like i mentioned before, the threads are already headed down the typical path of overabundant, pointless spam topics, but this is still the beta version. Once mods and such are hired, it could possibly be a higher than usual quality forum. Honestly though, i wouldn't expect it. As much as Inf is (for the most part) a high standard blog, trolls will be trolls. Give them a forum and they'll only get worse. Those are the types that usually linger there anyway, so it's hard to expect anything else.

I'm okay with the concept so long as Blake knows what he's doing and hires some great mods. Generally i think forums are blemishes on any fansite, so we'll see how it develops. Check it out through the warp link if you haven't yet. Tell me what you think.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Warcade Next Saturday

DS Wifi with Metroid, Tetris, AC, Mario Kart, and Lost Magic at 8pm EST. Could i be any clearer?

Update- T minus 51 minutes till wifi.

Update 2- How'd it go?

Sunday, July 09, 2006

ITALY 1-1 FRANCE a.e.t 5-3 PSO

Don't know what exactly that title means, i ripped it from the FIFA site, but Italy won the World Cup. Yay Italia.

I missed the whole thing, but i hope to catch a replay later on tonight morning. Zidane went out like a bitch, though. Did you see that headbutt? Goool! Talk about sour grapes (get it?! he's French!?!).

Friday, July 07, 2006

Warcade Next Saturday

You know the drill. Metroid, Tetris, Animal Crossing, Mario Kart. 8-ish pm EST.

Update- It's 8pm. Do you know where your tetriminos are?

Get on wifi now!

Update 2- Fuck all you guys. Try to make it next Saturday, bitches.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Germany: Out!

That shot went in.

T'was a fun match during the last portion, when Italy scored twice. Those 2 golazos killed Germany dead. I wasn't rooting for either side, and the game was pretty boring throughout, but when Italy scored it turned into big fun.

Any takers on Portugal v France? That's a toughie.

Warp to check results.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Para Los Demas

Un gran saludo para todos que visitan desde España, Argentina, y Francia, aunque los Frances no hablan tanto español (en ese caso, bonjourno monsieur/madame!). Ante de todo, dejame decir que llo soy nacido y criado en los E.E. U.U., y aunque soy latino, mi español castellano no es gran cosa. Si mis palabras salen un poco rara o mal escritas, lla pueden entender porque.

Bueno, supongo que me encuentraron buscando cosas de la Copa Mundial en Blogspot o Blogger. Ahora para introducirme. Este es mi blog que soporto con mis amigos. No tenemos reglas, pero hablamos de muchos temas diferentes. La unica regla es que tenemos que hablar de algo interesante. Quisieramos tener mas visitas para que alguien nos oigan, por eso deseo que pasen por aqui orta ves mas, si pueden.

Asi que pasenlo bien, y por favor, dejenme unas palabritas en la cajita a la derecha o abajo de aqui adonde dice "comments". Hablenme de la Copa o qualquier cosa. Digan lo que sea, pero diganlo.

Could bring you to tears

The first few seconds almost kill me.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

NPC Dialogue

Every get irritated by lack of NPC dialogue variety. God knows I have. In fact when you play a game with a ton of different phrases you may find yourself poking an Orc over and over and over until he says really strange things.

So how about this. Describe your NPC, put him in a current or make believe game and give him 3 lines of dialogue, or more.

Here is mine

Game: Paper Infendo
Character: Rollin
Phrases: Sup bitch.
Fuck New Super Mario Brothers, it should have been on GBA!!!
Sick'em Frisby.

Give me yours biatches.
Charlie Frisby

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Warcade Tonight

Let's meet at around 6/7/8-ish pm EST. As always, you can join early or late, as long as you join. I'll be around all night, till about midnight if anyone's around.

Post your times, friend codes, games, or threats in the com(ment)box to the right. Try to leave the time next to your name to keep everyone up to the minute. Check back frequently for updates. And leave your DSs on if you have to. Last week only 2 people hooked up. This time, every absentee loses a finger. No joke.

My Codes
